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This website is operated by Fazio | Micheletti LLP (“FM”). By using the website, you agree to be bound by the terms of use set forth on this page (“Terms”); please read them carefully. FM reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time by posting modified terms of use on this website, which you will be presumed to have read if you continue to use the website.





Transmission of the information contained in FM’s website is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Although we strive to ensure the on this website is current and complete, information can and will change — sometimes quite rapidly. Accordingly, FM cannot guarantee that the information is correct, complete, or up-to-date.


No one should rely on the information on this website without seeking the advice of an attorney. Nothing that appears on this website is intended to create, and does not create, an attorney-client relationship, nor is it a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney. In short, the information on this website is for informational purposes, and does not constitute legal advice, and it does not necessarily reflect the opinions of FM, its principals, or its clients.


Hiring an attorney involves an important decision that should not be taken lightly. It should not be based on the information about our qualifications and experience that appears on this website. We welcome you to learn more about the firm, the individual attorneys, and the qualifications and expertise we may bring to your case. We will provide such information on request.


But learning about our law firm and its principals is only one part of the process of hiring a lawyer. Before we can determine whether we can represent you, we need to know the reasons you seek legal help and whether we can provide it. To ensure that the information we obtain is accurate, any understanding we reach about legal representation must be memorialized in a formal, written retainer agreement that is signed by you and by an authorized representative of the firm.


Please note:  Sending FM information about your legal issue does not mean that an attorney-client relationship has been established, regardless of whether we respond to your communications. Nonetheless, if you communicate with us, as a result of visiting this website or otherwise in connection with a matter about which we do not already represent you, we will use every legal means available to protect your identity and the confidentiality of any information you provide to us.


Notwithstanding those efforts, however, it is possible that a court may decide that the communication is not privileged or otherwise entitled to protection from disclosure. Also, please remember that communicating electronically (e.g., e-mail) is not necessarily secure, and that such communications could be intercepted.


IMPORTANT:  Applicable statutes of limitation -- that is, the deadlines imposed by law that determine the amount of time you have to bring a lawsuit -- could severely limit or prohibit you from prosecuting any potential claims you may have.  Consequently, if you believe you have a legal claim, it is extremely important that you act in a timely manner.





FM does not make, or intend to make, any representation that the quality of the legal services FM attorneys perform as compared to the quality of legal services performed by other law firms or individual attorneys. In situations in which our fees are contingent or partially contingent on the outcome of the matter for which we have been retained, the client is obligated for payment of court costs and expenses, regardless of outcome, absent an express, written agreement to the contrary. Ordinarily, FM's retainer agreements with individual plaintiffs include a provision by which FM will bear all litigation-related expenses and will not be reimbursed unless and until a favorable outcome is achieved, at which point the value of the time and expenses incurred will be paid out of the recovery or by the opponent(s) (e.g., by reaching an agreement by which the adversary will pay such fees and costs as a condition for resolving the litigation or, where applicable, shifting such expenses to the defendant(s) by way of a statute or common-law rule).


Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Each matter for which FM has agreed to represent a client involves unique facts and circumstances that may impact results.


FM attorneys are licensed to practice law in state and federal courts throughout California and, where a matter requires the admission of an FM attorney outside of California, FM will seek admission pro hac vice.


The rules of the State Bar of California require the designation of a single attorney who is responsible for the content of a law firm’s website. FM has chosen Jeffrey L. Fazio (California State Bar No. 146043) as its designee for that purpose.





FM does everything in its power to ensure that this website is operating properly and free of error. Nonetheless, the content on this website is provided on an “as is” basis. Thus, FM does not and cannot represent that the content will be error-free, timely, free of viruses or other harmful elements, or that defects will be detected or corrected. Neither FM nor any of its affiliates, partners or employees, makes any representations, express or implied, with respect to the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of any of the contents of this website, and expressly disclaim any liability or warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.


FM expressly disclaims any liability for any action, or failure to take action, in reliance on any of the contents of the website. As discussed above, retaining a law firm or an individual attorney involves the exchange of detailed information that extends well below beyond that which is or can be provided by a website, including this one. Therefore, your sole remedy for any dissatisfaction with any of the content of this website is to refrain from using the website.


In addition, this website may include links to other websites that are beyond the control of FM. FM is not responsible for the content of websites to which this website may be linked, makes no representations regarding any such websites, cannot guarantee their practices regarding data privacy, and does not necessarily endorse or approve of the information, material, products or services contained on or accessible through any such websites. By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that you are acting solely at your own risk by linking to other websites, your use of such websites, and your use of any information, material, products and services offered by such websites.


This website refers to companies and other entities that may or have been the subject of litigation FM is prosecuting, which are identified by name, logo, or trademark. FM is not affiliated with any of these entities and does not purport to speak or act on their behalf in any way.




© 2024 Fazio | Micheletti LLP


The information contained on this website constitutes a "communication," as that term is used in California Rule of Professional Conduct 7.1, to the extent that it is a message or offer made by or on behalf of a member of the California State Bar regarding a member or a law firm's availability for professional employment that is directed to any former, present, or prospective client. See the Disclaimer page of this website for information relating to this issue and other issues pertaining to communications set forth on this website.

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